Course Description

Theory & Practice 2 week Residential in Morocco or Istanbul

This series aims to facilitate the teaching of the Arabic language to non-native speakers, and to enable learners to become proficient. Basic Arabic language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing)

Level 1: Beginners

After completing this course students will be able to:

  • Carry out the basics of their daily life, such as greeting, getting to know others, asking about family members, housing, and work, time, ordering food…etc.
  • Read single and compound Arabic letters, with their names, short and long sounds, and their consonant and stressed states,

Level 1 Objectives

1. Developing basic Arabic language skills (initial use of the Arabic language) among learners.

2. Enabling students to become familiar with the Arabic language, its sounds, and structures.

Level 2 Intermediate

After Completing this level, students will be able to:

1- Rely on themselves to listen and talk to others.

2- To easily express what they want, and answer questions directed to them

3- To read fluently and write skilfully based on the words and dialogues he encountered.

4- Use the vocabulary and structures that were previously learned.

5- Application of the linguistic & grammatical rules correctly

Course Breakdown

Students must be able to read Arabic script

Sunday 27 April 2025 – 13 July 2025

Sundays 11:00am – 14:00

Components of Level One (A):

Comprises of three units

Unit 1:

– Listening and speaking skills: (greeting and getting to know each other).

– Reading and writing skills: (Arabic letters, single and combined).

Unit 2:

– Listening and speaking skills: (Family – Housing).

– Reading and writing skills: (short sounds of the third vowels).

Unit 3:

– Listening and speaking skills: (work – meals).

– Reading and writing skills: (letters of maddah and leen).

Components of Level 1 (B):

Comprises of three units:

Unit 1

– Listening and speaking skills: (Study of the Arabic language – Shopping).

– Reading and writing skills: (consonants – tanween).

Unit 2:

– Listening and speaking skills: (daily life).

– Reading and writing skills: (stressed letters)

Unit 3:

– Listening and speaking skills: (in the classroom – vacation and travel).

– Reading and writing skills: (general rules and regulations).







Contact for more information

[email protected]